
摸索了一下,我目前想到的作法很簡單:將信件轉寄到Blogger來典藏,這樣就可以做到將E-mail電子報轉換成RSS訂閱了。情境說明與事前準備/Preparing.我現在想要將Gmail中 ...,2024年3月5日—TheGmailInboxFeedwilloutputyourInboxasanXMLdocument.YoucanuseanRSSaggregatortoviewthis,oryoucanconsumethefeedwith ...,QuiteafewwebsitesuseRSStodisplayheadlinesfromotherwebsites,asitprovidesadditionalcontenttotheirreaders.P...

把電子報轉成RSS訂閱 Forward E

摸索了一下,我目前想到的作法很簡單:將信件轉寄到Blogger來典藏,這樣就可以做到將E-mail電子報轉換成RSS訂閱了。 情境說明與事前準備/ Preparing. 我現在想要將Gmail中 ...

Gmail Inbox Feed

2024年3月5日 — The Gmail Inbox Feed will output your Inbox as an XML document. You can use an RSS aggregator to view this, or you can consume the feed with ...

Use Gmail as a RSS reader....

Quite a few websites use RSS to display headlines from other websites, as it provides additional content to their readers. Probably the most popular use for ...

RSS reader in Gmail

a subscription Fastmail account at the moment...what about you? do you use Gmail as your primary address? I don't have any qualms with the service- I just kind ...

Quickly connect RSS Feed to Gmail

Integrate RSS Feed with Gmail to create powerful automations in minutes. Get started with IFTTT today for free!

Adding Our RSS Feed to Your Gmail

Hey, want to get live updates of our content listed on your gmail account's web clips? A little notice that will pop let you know if we've added new content ...

Post new emails on Gmail to an RSS feed

This Gmail-RSS integration offers a user-friendly solution: an RSS feed for those emails. It will trigger for each new email you receive on Gmail, automatically ...

Connect Gmail to RSS by Zapier and automate any workflow

Integrate Gmail and RSS by Zapier in a few minutes. Quickly connect Gmail and RSS by Zapier with over 7000 apps on Zapier, the world's largest automation ...

Royal 1.70 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器

Royal 1.70 簡單實在又迷你RSS閱讀器


QuiteRSS 0.19.4 取代 feedly 的 RSS 閱讀器

QuiteRSS 0.19.4 取代 feedly 的 RSS 閱讀器


SideSlide 3.5.10 - 功能豐富的桌面便利貼工具

SideSlide 3.5.10 - 功能豐富的桌面便利貼工具
